(Nondiscrimination Statement)

  • Addressing chronic absence is a key component of improving graduation rates, increasing academic achievement and giving young people the best chance at success in their adult life. Join the Attendance Awareness Campaign and make a difference for your community.

To Verify/Clear All Absences or have a General Question - Email: [email protected]
Tardy Policy

1-3 Tardies
Every 4th Tardy
     1 hour Detention
     Parent Notified for each Tardy
8th Tardy
     1 hour detention
     Attendance Contract
12th Tardy
     Staff Intervention
     Saturday School Assigned
     Parent Phone Call

Enrollment Information

Returning Students Returning and continuing students must re-register by completing the DATA CONFIRMATION in Aeries or by making an appointment with our Attendance Office. 951-788-7203 Ext. 64202

Stay in the know and update your contact information online. This is required for all RUSD students.

There are three ways to complete online data confirmation:

  • On a computer or phone by visiting the Aeries Portal website (download parent registration guide here).
  • Through your school site, if you do not have access to an electronic device.
  • During our Poly Spirit Registration Days!
Why complete your data confirmation?
  • Access or update emergency contacts
  • Receive emergency notifications
  • Ability to check grades and missing assignments
  • Monitor daily attendance and tardies
  • View state test results
  • View class schedules and/or teacher assignments
  • Update housing information

New Students

All students who are new to Poly must complete the enrollment process for the 2024-2025 school year.  Please download the enrollment packet (English)/ enrollment packet (Spanish).  To make an enrollment appointment, click on the Sign Up Genius Link:  CLICK HERE.  Please have all forms filled out and all supporting documents with you at the time of your appointment. Please make sure you are within Poly's attendance boundaries (click here). If you have any questions or need assistance contact us at

Enrollment is for students who are NOT yet in the Poly HS student data system (Aeries). It is strictly for students who are... ~NEW to the district and to the Poly attendance area ~Coming from another RUSD school and now live in the Poly attendance area ~Current Poly students who do not have the means to upload proof of address (if it has changed)
for... ~intra/inter-district transfers
~incoming 9th graders who went to Central or Gage and live in the Poly HS attendance area ~students who enrolled at the Central Registration Center (not a complete list)

Parent Portal AERIES Account

The following LINK English/ LINK Spanish provides step-by-step instructions to create a parent portal account, which allows parents to complete data confirmation, access grades, attendance, schedules, assignments, teacher information and more. 

Truancy Vs. Chronic Absence


  • Counts only unexcused absences
  • Emphasizes compliance with school rules
  • Relies on legal & administrative solutions


  • Counts all absences: excused, unexcused & suspensions
  • Emphasizes academic impact of missed days
  • Uses community-based, positive strategies

Mandatory Attendance

Students are expected to attend school every day. Education Code 48290 sets out the basic authorization for the County District Attorney to hold parents accountable for their school-age children’s attendance.

Notification Letters to Parents

The School District Office mails home three types of notification to alert parents of an attendance problem and urging parents to take corrective action. The types of notification are Tardy Letter, Excessive Excused Absences Letters, and Truancy Letters.

School Attendance Review Board (SARB)

Any student with habitual truancy or excessive absences or chronic absences will be considered for recommendation to the School Attendance Review Board. If the student continues to miss school after the SARB Hearing, the matter is referred to the courts. Courts can then use penalties or other measures to seek compliance with compulsory school attendance.

CA Education Code and RUSD Board Policy regarding Health & Wellness (click here) CA Education Code and RUSD Board Policy regarding Attendance (click here)

Old Announcements

Poly SPIRIT Registraion Days (all students must attend):
August 5, 2024 -
8am - 12pm(12th graders) and 2pm - 6pm(9th graders) OR August 6, 2024 - 8:00am - 12pm (11th graders) and 2pm-6pm (10th graders).

Bring your backpack, water and Data Confirmation Email Yes, you can come without a parent but bring your Data Confirmation Email Yes, you can come without your student - need student ID# Yes, you can come at one of the other time slots if absolutely needed. Can't come? Please complete Data Confirmation and come to the 1st day of school If you have have complete Data Confirmation your Classes will be viewable on/after August 11th. Click here to purchase ASB items after July 1st: ASB Items (click Here)

Welcome Class of 2028 Poly Freshman Orientation Days: Last Names A-L: Thursday, August 8th 8:30 am - noon Last Names M-Z: Friday, August 9th 8:30 am - noon Back to School Dance: August 9, 2024

Poly Bear

Attendance Office Staff

[email protected]
(email all inquires here)

Mr. DeAnda
Assistant Principal
[email protected]
Ext. 64202

Mrs. Gina Corrow
AP Secretary, Attendance
[email protected]
Ext. 64209

Ms. Edith Aleman 
Attendance Assistance II
[email protected]
Ext. 64238

Mrs. Angela Roman
Attendance Assistance II
[email protected]
Ext. 64208

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